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這款杯子的設計早在 2015 年榮獲國土交通省觀光廳認可,獲得觀光廳長官獎。
在“江戶時代”以來的"江戶玻璃”被繼承到現在。田島玻璃,將這個傳統的火種與未來聯繫起來。每個杯都是由工匠用可靠的技術精心製作的。它具有深厚的味道和溫暖,是其他任何地方都找不到的。熱情,泥濘,真誠。 傳統的“現在”在這裡仍然活著。傳統技術絕不是過去。它是我們這個時代最好的技術,並且還在不斷創新和發展。為了持續50年和100年成為日本美麗的一部分,今天和明天,我們繼續努力。
Good coffee but please skip the plastic wrapping.
ESC - Espresso Blend (AICA 2014 Silver & Bronze Medal Award)
Colombia Monteblanco Caturra Bourbon Nectar Citullus Co-Fermented (Washed)
Costa Rica Finca Las Piedra F1 (Anaerobic Natural)
Ethiopia Sidama Bare 74158 Elto Coffee (Natural)
This is an incredible espresso. The sweetness really comes through, it is almost like adding a drop of honey into the coffee.
Good for latte
great espresso beans for flat whites
Kenya Muburi, Gichugu Kiginyaga AA SL-28, Ruiru 11 (Washed)
ALT - Espresso Blend (AICA 2017 Silver Medal Award)
makes a good tasty nutty flat white !
Delivery was very efficient and the roasting is great!
Likes this flavour so much 👍🏻