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胡桃木手柄的搗固器是純粹的奢華。 每個木手柄均由 Paul 內部製作,並經過仔細打磨、上油和拋光,達到絲般光滑的表面,這一過程需要數天時間。
結果簡直太棒了。 底座的形狀與我們其他的夯錘不同,並由不同等級的不銹鋼製成。 夯錘底座有 58 毫米扁平和 VST 58.5 毫米扁平可供選擇材質:木材和不銹鋼高度包括底座:86毫米產品重量:294公克(含58毫米底座)包裝:每盒 1 個完整的夯錘,帶有黑色夯錘座
Good coffee but please skip the plastic wrapping.
ESC - Espresso Blend (AICA 2014 Silver & Bronze Medal Award)
Colombia Monteblanco Caturra Bourbon Nectar Citullus Co-Fermented (Washed)
Costa Rica Finca Las Piedra F1 (Anaerobic Natural)
Ethiopia Sidama Bare 74158 Elto Coffee (Natural)
This is an incredible espresso. The sweetness really comes through, it is almost like adding a drop of honey into the coffee.
Good for latte
great espresso beans for flat whites
Kenya Muburi, Gichugu Kiginyaga AA SL-28, Ruiru 11 (Washed)
ALT - Espresso Blend (AICA 2017 Silver Medal Award)
makes a good tasty nutty flat white !
Delivery was very efficient and the roasting is great!
Likes this flavour so much 👍🏻