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由於產品是直接從製造商發貨,請注意平均交貨時間至少 5 - 10 天。
特徵:帶定時功能的手沖咖啡、家庭烘焙、日常稱重等多合一電子秤,簡約大氣,高端品質生活,高精度。LED數位高清大螢幕顯示,讀數更清晰,單位換算:G LB oz計時功能:最長時間:19分59秒(左鍵)適合手沖咖啡的重量測量,最大負載3kg高精度感測器,品質穩定,稱重更準確具有低電量/過載提醒,去皮功能,120秒無操作,自動關機。規格:顏色:黑色秤尺寸:13.5 x 11.5x2cm/5.3x4.5x0.87in材質:ABS塑料
ESC - Espresso Blend (AICA 2014 Silver & Bronze Medal Award)
Colombia Monteblanco Caturra Bourbon Nectar Citullus Co-Fermented (Washed)
Costa Rica Finca Las Piedra F1 (Anaerobic Natural)
Ethiopia Sidama Bare 74158 Elto Coffee (Natural)
This is an incredible espresso. The sweetness really comes through, it is almost like adding a drop of honey into the coffee.
Good for latte
great espresso beans for flat whites
Kenya Muburi, Gichugu Kiginyaga AA SL-28, Ruiru 11 (Washed)
ALT - Espresso Blend (AICA 2017 Silver Medal Award)
makes a good tasty nutty flat white !
Delivery was very efficient and the roasting is great!
Likes this flavour so much 👍🏻
CTRL - Espresso Blend (AICA 2019 Bronze Medal Award)