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使用我們的禮品卡,您可以贈送優質咖啡豆作為禮物,同時讓您的親人選擇他們最喜歡的口味和混合咖啡。 無論他們喜歡濃鬱、大膽的烘焙還是順滑、芳香的混合咖啡,我們的禮品卡都能為他們打開通往咖啡美味世界的大門。無論是生日、節慶或特殊場合,我們的咖啡豆禮品卡都是送給咖啡愛好者的貼心且多功能的禮物。
Good coffee but please skip the plastic wrapping.
ESC - Espresso Blend (AICA 2014 Silver & Bronze Medal Award)
Colombia Monteblanco Caturra Bourbon Nectar Citullus Co-Fermented (Washed)
Costa Rica Finca Las Piedra F1 (Anaerobic Natural)
Ethiopia Sidama Bare 74158 Elto Coffee (Natural)
This is an incredible espresso. The sweetness really comes through, it is almost like adding a drop of honey into the coffee.
Good for latte
great espresso beans for flat whites
Kenya Muburi, Gichugu Kiginyaga AA SL-28, Ruiru 11 (Washed)
ALT - Espresso Blend (AICA 2017 Silver Medal Award)
makes a good tasty nutty flat white !
Delivery was very efficient and the roasting is great!
Likes this flavour so much 👍🏻